All you need to know about hair fall

Hair falls and dryness is two common hair problems that affect both men and women. While hair fall refers to the excessive shedding of hair, dryness refers to the lack of moisture in the hair shafts. Both issues can be frustrating and can affect one's confidence and self-esteem. In this blog, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and possible treatments for hair fall and dryness.

Causes of Hair Fall and Dryness

Nutritional Deficiencies:

Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, and biotin can lead to hair fall and dryness.

Hormonal Imbalance:

Changes in hormonal levels due to pregnancy, menopause, or thyroid disorders can cause hair fall and dryness.


High levels of stress can cause hair fall and dryness by disrupting the natural growth cycle of hair.

Chemical Treatments:

Excessive use of chemical treatments such as hair dyes, perms, and straighteners can damage the hair and lead to hair fall and dryness.

Environmental Factors:

Exposure to harsh environmental factors such as pollution, sun, and wind can damage the hair and cause hair fall and dryness.


Symptoms of Hair Fall and Dryness:

Hair Fall:

Excessive hair shedding, thinning, bald patches, and receding hairline are common symptoms of hair fall.


Brittle hair, split ends, frizz, and lack of shine are common symptoms of dryness.


Possible Treatments for Hair Fall and Dryness:

Nutritional Supplements: Taking supplements of vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, and biotin can help reduce hair fall and dryness.

Hormonal Therapy: Hormonal imbalances can be treated with medication, which can help reduce hair fall and dryness.

Stress Management: Practicing stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation, and exercise can help reduce hair fall and dryness.

Avoiding Chemical Treatments: Reducing the use of chemical treatments or opting for natural alternatives can help prevent hair fall and dryness.

Protecting Hair from Environmental Factors: Wearing a hat or scarf, using a hair serum, and avoiding excessive sun exposure can help protect the hair from environmental damage.

In addition, applying luxurious haircare products can be a great way to pamper your hair and keep it healthy and nourished. When it comes to dealing with hair fall and dryness, there are a variety of high-end haircare products available that can help restore your hair's health and vitality. Let’s discuss some of the best luxurious clean and healthy haircare products for hair fall and dryness.

Hydration Shampoo

This luxurious shampoo is created to replenish the driest, thirstiest hair, this rich and creamy formula is infused with our plant-powered complex crafted with rare Amazonian oils and natural protein-bonding sugars that drive hydration deep into each strand of hair. Scented with the tropical aromas of passion fruit and mango, this innovative formula leaves scalp hydrated and balanced and hair stronger, healthier, smoother, and shinier.

Hydration Conditioner

Created to replenish the driest, thirstiest hair, this rich and creamy formula is infused with our plant-powered complex crafted with rare Amazonian oils and natural protein-bonding sugars that drive hydration deep into each strand of hair. Scented with the tropical aromas of passion fruit and mango, this innovative formula softens, de-tangles and tames hair, leaving it manageable and stronger, healthier, smoother, and shinier.

Using a shampoo and conditioner infused with a blend of nourishing oils and extracts that work to repair and restore damaged hair. they help to strengthen hair, reduce hair fall, and add moisture to dry hair. The shampoo and conditioner are free from sulfates and parabens, making them safe for all hair types.

Leave in Treatment

This rich and creamy hair mask is designed to nourish and hydrate dry and damaged hair. It is formulated with Omega-9-rich Rahua oil and nutrients that work to restore the hair's natural moisture balance and prevent breakage. The mask can be used once a week to keep your hair healthy and strong.

By incorporating luxurious haircare into your haircare routine, you can keep your hair looking and feeling its best.

Hair falls and dryness is common hair problems that a variety of factors can cause. Taking care of your hair by following a healthy diet, reducing stress levels, avoiding excessive chemical treatments, and protecting your hair from environmental factors can help prevent and reduce hair fall and dryness. If your hair falls and dryness persists despite these measures, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.